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Men's Dating World

Dating is hard. Let's make it easy.

You're not alone
(not for long...)

Many men of all different ages suffer from difficulties in meeting women. It's part of the dating process.

A lot of men turn to clickbait fuckheads on YouTube and TikTok. You know the ones. They love yelling at you and at women. Clowns should yell at a circus.

Yelling doesn't get you a girl.


This site is different. We listen. We advise. And we want to hear your thoughts on our advice.

Are you lonely right now? Well, it's not going to last.

Get the Goods

Here's some advice that most men don't know.

You're lonely. You're not getting affection, dates, sex. It's okay.

It's not that women hate you. If anything, it's probably that you hate you.

Women love men. They love dates, they love relationships, and yes, they love hooking up. If anything, they love sex more than men, when you consider the dangers that some men pose to them. And still women keep trying.

You should keep trying, too.



There are always more women out there.

If she rejects you, she rejects you. Be polite, thank her for being clear, and move on.

She just did you a favor, even if you don't know it. Why are you going to waste the next week or two texting a woman who's not interested in you, and then she ghosts you? Spend that time meeting another beautiful woman and testing those waters.

Her: "I'm sorry, I'm not interested / I have a boyfriend."

You: "Not a problem! Thanks for letting me know. Have a good night."

Move on to the next.

This attitude will change your tone and interactions with all women. It'll give you a healthy, positive "aura" so to speak. Women like to share wild things with a healthy, positive guy.


Easy. Find women who attract you. Look for a wedding or engagement ring, scope the people around her for a possible boyfriend or maybe girlfriend.

Ask the most beautiful single woman.

The movies are bullshit. Don't go for the second most beautiful because blah blah blah. Or the girl you find ugliest because blah blah.

Approach the most beautiful woman. You'll act different. You'll treat her special. And she'll feel that and no matter what her day was, you'll make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the room.

That was you. You did that.



Not all men are natural smooth talkers. That doesn't mean you can't get a girl. It just means you need some guidance on techniques that work. Here's a formula that can help you get a phone number

1. Scope your area. It could be a bar, a coffee shop, or some other public place. Find the woman you want to talk to.

2. Look at her. See if she notices you. If she smiles, that's even better. But not always necessary. Just make sure she's not busy with something that's taking all her attention.

3. Plan what you're going to say ahead of time! You don't need to think on the fly, not if you aren't comfortable with that. Run these next 5 steps in your head and get a sense of what you might want to say. Especially plan out step 7 ahead of time!

4. Open with a compliment. Make it genuine and specific. Women take a lot of care in how they present themselves. It's nice when a man notices something they picked out and like wearing, and definitely a safe choice. It's even better to compliment a woman on something she did that intrigued you if that's an option.

 - DO: I really love your necklace. It goes well with your dress. What is the pendant?

 - DON'T: You look really cute. (too generic)

5. Introduce yourself, ask her name. And share something. Usually a silly joke is a great way to show a woman who you are. If you're in a Anime convention, and she's dressed as a character, you can mention something you enjoy about that show. Or ask her who she's cosplaying if you don't know.

6. Ask a question about her. Great questions are something she likes doing. Or at that Anime convention, what she likes about cosplay. Or that particular character. (Most men DON'T ASK WOMEN QUESTIONS. Honestly! It drives women NUTS!) If you ask her 2 mediocre questions about her likes, who she is, you're well in front of the pack of men. Other men, yes, are that awful.

7. Ask if she'd like to go out. Make it a date. Even if you want to hook up, or are looking for a relationship. Make a plan because it's important - to you and probably to her.

When you ask for a date, you need

 - One or two days in mind.

 - A general timeframe (not a specific hour)

 - Something fun to do

If she likes you, she's not going to say no. She'll say, "No, that doesn't work, but this does."

You: I really like your laugh and wanted to see if you'd like to hang out. Are you open Friday or Saturday night? Maybe we could go to the arcade.

Her: I'm sorry, I'm busy helping my friend with a wedding. But I'm free next weekend.

If she says no, move on and spend your energy on the girl you want to talk to next.

Her: That's sweet, but I have a boyfriend.

You: Thanks for letting me know! I'll let you have a great night. Bye.

8. Ask for her number. Even if you don't have a specific date set down, she said she's open to one, and you'll need her number so you can coordinate.

You: No problem about this weekend. Could I get your number? I'd love to find a time that works.

Her: Sure, my number is... (Offer her your phone so she can text herself)

Her: I don't usually share my number. Are you on Facebook? (Offer your phone so she can find herself)

9. Follow up the next day after work hours. Don't play the guessing game with her - women who like a man like when that man is direct.

Tell her it was nice to meet her. Share another joke, ask another question. Find a day, time, and place to have your first date.

And you asked her a couple questions - do some research and prepare a couple things to say on your first date!

That's a lot! But honestly, when you meet her in person, aim for 3-5 minutes face to face to get her number. You might spend 5-10 minutes preparing what you want to say - longer than you'd talk to her! Invest your time on your first date, because that will probably be at least an hour, usually longer.


Most of the time you introduce yourself and try to set up a date, you will fail. Sometimes it's you, most of the time she's just not into you. Be willing to fail the first ten to fifteen times. That's why you got to be able to move on.

But if you don't put yourself out there, you can't ever get a phone number. Fail those ten to fifteen times and learn from each one.


So you like talking. You want to put yourself out there more. It can be hard to gauge a woman's interest in you.

Respect her boundaries, especially around sex. You'll want to flirt around sexually charged stuff, but keep it very low key. Try not to say the word sex first. Don't bring up sexual acts. Work around it - open the door and maybe ask about an actor she finds attractive. Or try to find another flirty topic and see if she responds to it.

When you test those waters, and she ratchets up the sexual overtones, then you have a green light to continue.

Some ways women will ratchet up their flirting - they'll use words like 'that's hot' or 'that's sexy' or other sexual language especially for nonsexual things.

Her: I never thought I'd find talking about Shakespeare to be sexy. I like a man who's deep in his passions.

Her: I think hummingbirds are kinda hot. Their hearts beat like a hundred times a minute. Right?

Each step of the way, a woman is going to give you a green light, or a red light, on whether she wants to continue. The first time she amplifies sex is important, and again, it's best not to say the word sex until she reciprocates. If she introduces sex, she's opening that boundary and it's usually a good idea to amplify the sexual chat even more. Know that if you go too fast for her, she'll shut that down. And if you don't respect those boundaries, she'll shut you out completely.

If she keeps intensifying sexual talk, well, you'll want her number. And maybe she'll offer the night at her place instead.

About Me

This is Trevor. That's not my real name.

And that's not my real pic, either.


There's a lot of shame around men meeting women. Chatting with new women and aiming for dates. There's a lot of poisonous advice from shitty ball-slapping bro-children, and a lot of pushback on the other side about not approaching women at all. Listen: approach women.

Trevor's my pen name. I have a bit of experience, let's say. My professional life would not appreciate it.

But dating is important. Meeting women is important. Affection, love, holding someone and being held. And sex, too. That's why you're here.

I'm here to help those "nice guys" who are too shy to put themselves out there. Those guys who see the girl, and never step up to talk. The guys who have no idea how to get a phone number. Guys who invest in one woman who isn't interested in them - and can't move on.


Help is here.

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